viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

My favorite picture is a picture taken by Jonas Bendiksen in his work of Russia and the forgotten places of the ex URSS, this picture is the cover of his book “Satellites: Photographs of the Former Soviet Union, 2006”. Jonas Bendiksen is a Norwegian photographer and journalist that travels around the world taking pictures of isolated communities, he became fascinated by the history of the rupture of the Sovietic Union a process that seems still going on, he wants to express the life of "real people living a phantom existence” in his words, some of these territories don’t appear in the map yet, and still the people don’t figure out what  their identities as a nation is, they still struggle to get their own identities that was removed and substituted long time ago. In this picture we can see two farmers on a fallen rocket in the middle of the farm, surrounded by butterflies. 

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Last month in the “Diario Electrónico” of the radio of university of Chile, Sohad Houssein wrote a article about “Kidzania” a park for childrens of forty nine thousand square meters focus in a “educational” propose; steaching the children playing to be adults. The park involve the kids in a economical system of work, bank transactions, roles of power, and consume. But the aspect more shocking of this new is the fact that the service provide by the “game” are not anonymous service quite the opposite is a real show of publicity make it by the big corporations in Chile, in words of Shoad Houssein "the marks are generating catch clients in a long therm” this is a round investment that keep in time, because they are teaching the kids to live a life on a establishment consume and forms of be, the subconsciousness of the kid will associate the joy of the game whit the consume of a the marks representated in the park. To make things worst, there is a lot of problem with the “resident meetings” of “las Condes” and the sell of a part of the park  “Araucano” by the municipality, and the vials problems that this atrocity will make. 

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012


When you get old, and a birthday is not the same that it used to be, you get in count that people surrounding you for long time without your noticing, you just grow up with them and is so natural that we never say we are friends to each other. I have a very consolidated group of friends, we know each other since we were teens in the school, we usually play music together and we have a lot of projects, I have one with Drago and Matias and it's going so well that one day we will live out of the project and form a record label.  Our best moment together was when we traveled hitch-hiking to the south, and we got to “Laja” then we walked a lot under the sun to finally arrive in precious river of sweet water full of shrimps, we spent so much time doing nothing in the water and resting that the time suddenly became unreal, changed, something odd.