viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Piere Bourdieu

How i was saying, i'm not a grupie guy of non-one but i can recognize the great people in all his dimensions  Piere Bourdieu is the man, at least for me, becouse he introduce me in the sociolgy like a fatal discipline, like a battle field or a marcial art, and I think that is important to follow contemporany people in the intelectual media. Piere Bourdieu is one of the greatest contemporany sociologyst in france, he is dead but his work is still alive. He born in southern France on 1 August 1930, in a rural world far of the intelectual Paris in the decline of his life, that diference was a main subjet of his work and thats is wat inspired me to get into the education sistem subjet emphasized how social classes, especially the ruling and intellectual classes, preserve their social privileges across generations despite the myth that contemporary post-industrial society boasts equality of opportunity and high social mobility, achieved through formal education in his book "Homo Academicus" and "The inheritors: French Students and their relation to culture".

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