viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

I really don't know the difference between the non technological things and the technological ones, usually people tend to call all new things in the merchandising "technologic", but in fact; there isn't anything new in the digital era craps, all the "new stuff" follows no research and scientific way of progress, quite the opposite, they follow the markets rules and the publicity’s dogmas of a self made necessity based in a vertiginous conception of the present and the famous planned obsolescence that makes us produce a substantially amount of crap to earth. In this way my objection lead me to choose a particular piece of technology, that is environment friendly and save me a lot of money in the university life; the kindle is a ebook reader that allow me to keep concentrate in my lectures whit out any distraction that the personal computer have.

1 comentario:

  1. It's very amazing what you have to choose, I don't know it and I find it very useful because I'm a very distracted person! Take care!
