I always
say that I’m not a fan boy, but this time i have to recognize I do have a favorite
movie; Stalker from the director Andrei Tarkovsky filimied in 1979, this is a science
fiction movie written by the brothers Strugastky in his novel “Roadside picnic”.
This movie isn’t a typically science fiction movie, because, it’s a Russian
film at the edge of the western culture and that’s why the film distinguished from the typical esthetic
of the science fiction’s films going to
a more poetical and deep esthetic. The films is situated in a post nuclear apocalyptic context, a hostile
land filmed in sepia in which one the “visiting”
has happened and let beside it a mysterious place full of traps that will never
be the same; “the zone”. In the move we have three main character, one of them
is the Stalker, the one who knows the zone and the only one that can enter and
exit alive from there, that’s why the other characters (the poet and the physics)
want him to enter in the zone and do odds things that I can’t tell because I will
destroy the myster.
viernes, 22 de junio de 2012
viernes, 15 de junio de 2012
Piere Bourdieu
How i was saying, i'm not a grupie guy of non-one but i can recognize the great people in all his dimensions Piere Bourdieu is the man, at least for me, becouse he introduce me in the sociolgy like a fatal discipline, like a battle field or a marcial art, and I think that is important to follow contemporany people in the intelectual media. Piere Bourdieu is one of the greatest contemporany sociologyst in france, he is dead but his work is still alive. He born in southern France on 1 August 1930, in a rural world far of the intelectual Paris in the decline of his life, that diference was a main subjet of his work and thats is wat inspired me to get into the education sistem subjet emphasized how social classes,
especially the ruling and intellectual classes, preserve their social
privileges across generations despite the myth that contemporary post-industrial society boasts equality of opportunity and high social mobility, achieved through formal education in his book "Homo Academicus" and "The inheritors: French Students and their relation to culture".
viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012
favorite picture is a picture taken by Jonas Bendiksen in his work of Russia
and the forgotten places of the ex URSS, this picture is the cover of his book “Satellites:
Photographs of the Former Soviet Union, 2006”. Jonas Bendiksen is a Norwegian photographer and journalist that travels around the world taking pictures of
isolated communities, he became fascinated by the history of the rupture of the
Sovietic Union a process that seems still going on, he wants to express the life
of "real people living a phantom existence” in his words, some of these territories don’t appear in the map yet, and still the people don’t figure
out what their identities as a nation is, they still struggle to get their own identities
that was removed and substituted long time ago. In this picture we can see two
farmers on a fallen rocket in the middle of the farm, surrounded by
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012
Last month in the
“Diario Electrónico” of the radio of university of Chile, Sohad Houssein wrote
a article about “Kidzania” a park for childrens of forty nine thousand
square meters focus in a “educational” propose; steaching the children playing
to be adults. The park involve the kids in a economical system of work, bank
transactions, roles of power, and consume. But the aspect more shocking of this
new is the fact that the service provide by the “game” are not anonymous
service quite the opposite is a real show of publicity make it by the big
corporations in Chile, in words of Shoad Houssein "the marks are
generating catch clients in a long therm” this is a round investment that keep
in time, because they are teaching the kids to live a life on a establishment
consume and forms of be, the subconsciousness of the kid will associate the joy
of the game whit the consume of a the marks representated in the park. To make
things worst, there is a lot of problem with the “resident meetings” of “las Condes”
and the sell of a part of the park “Araucano”
by the municipality, and the vials problems that this atrocity will make.
viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

When you get old, and a
birthday is not the same that it used to be, you get in count that people
surrounding you for long time without your noticing, you just grow up with them
and is so natural that we never say we are friends to each other. I have a very
consolidated group of friends, we know each other since we were teens in the
school, we usually play music together and we have a lot of projects, I have
one with Drago and Matias and it's going so well that one day we will live out
of the project and form a record label. Our best moment together was when we traveled hitch-hiking
to the south, and we got to “Laja” then we walked a lot under the sun to finally
arrive in precious river of sweet water full of shrimps, we spent so much time
doing nothing in the water and resting that the time suddenly became unreal,
changed, something odd.
viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012
My (non)Favorite artist.
I really don’t have a favorite artist, I hate the “fan boys” crew of whatever, our times are not the times for idols or heroes. But this guy attracts my attention at the first moment, his video and his odd beat bring me to a place forgiven and forbidden in my mind; he releases all kind of rudes wraith of loathing; and ironicaly he laughs at himself evilness. The lyric of “Yonkers” show us a struggle mind full of paradox and diseases: "I just want to know if my father would ever like me/ But I don't give a fuck, so he's probably just like me/ A motherfuckin’ Goblin”. And the principal reason why i love this guy is because he does whatever he want and he hate bruno mars to “And stab Bruno Mars in his goddamn esophagus/And won't stop until the cops come in”.
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